Tuesday, May 13, 2008

VERY bad insomnia jag

Well I don't know if all of you had really known this but for the last six months to a year after finally being treated for a sleep disorder which was obviously my main problem that pretty much led to everything else (in fact I think I functioned exceptionally well with about one or two nights of sleep a week) I have been doing fairly normally. I wouldn't say well, it is like I have stage fright for life waiting for the next thing to happen. Plus I am still dealing with how bad I messed everything up around here.

This is the first time I have really hit a patch where I have been more than one or two nights per I don't know a month without sleep, so we shall see what happens. I am already having some problems, I start checking out about the third night now when it used to take me longer. I am going back to those episodes of falling asleep mid sentence or mid pushing elevator button or whatever. I don't yet start transitioning into sleepwalking (I should say that I know of but Slade has started watching me pretty close) that usually happens quite a ways into it. Basically my body tries to go to sleep in every way not involving lying down on a pillow and closing my eyes. Once I crash tho that's probably going to be all the blogging for a while. Not all bad.

I wish I got productive during these things like I used to in college but I just kind of turn into a vegetable. I am kind of like those patients in Awakenings that need to borrow the will of the ball or whatever. Am still looking for something's will I can borrow.

Other various health crises (I so feel like an old person who knows how long my posts will have to be in thirty years) include Slade's freaky neck thing. A week or so ago I noticed he was sitting with a heat pad on his neck because he has this horrible blood blister looking thing that also makes him sore up into his jaw and into one shoulder. Very scary. He probably has the plague or something, just my luck that I would be the one to diagnose it and he wouldn't tell me until it was too late.

Sadie has to get glasses. It is kind of sad, because she is miss cutie patootie and everything and doesn't think it will go with all of her various cute looks. Don't know where we got the kids with eye problems, probably not the same place we got all the other weird problems because I don't think that person would have survived to produce posterity.


JandS Morgan said...

Maybe Slade has shingles. That's supposed to be very painful.

jph3 said...

"I have stage fright for life waiting for the next thing to happen" . . . interesting. That's exactly how I feel some nights before I have big events/meetings going on at work sometimes. It's like my mind decides it is more comfortable to stay awake and prolong, rather than hit the sack and move on.

Donna said...

You have probably checked this out already, but what about a sleeping medication?

There are some good, non-addictive ones out now.

I have lots of trouble sleeping on vacation, or in a strange environment, so I take Ambien once in awhile and it is a dream come true (literally and figuratively)!

morganspice said...

Yeah, I take Ambien. Every once in a while my doc wants me to go off everything to see what happens to see what I still really need and what I don't. So whereas a few months ago I was taking that and a bunch of othe stuff, now I am taking pretty much nothing. So something for sleep will probably be the first thing I add back in because not sleeping tends to either create other problems or make the ones I would have anyway much worse.

JPH, yeah it kind of feels like I hang on for dear life and am not willing to let go of control over my conscious mind. I is like I don't know what will happen over night. And also it seems like sleep isn't reinforcing because I always feel like crap when I get up in the morning, much worse than if I had stayed up all night.

morganspice said...

And I got a few hours sleep last night but according to sleep hygiene I am not allowed to sleep in past when I would get up anyway or sleep in the day so it usually just makes it so I can't fall asleep the next night when I am like this.

So strange, Slade sleeps as soon as his head hits the pillow, but I hate it when I feel like I could fall asleep at any time, like in college when I would go sleep in the library. My bet is just that he is continually exhausted. Makes sense.