Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Can you see the bulldog in this picture?

How bout this one?

This one is funy because the stripe down the center of his head makes him blend in with the snow. We are so loving Harry lately. He is pretty much the main entertainment in the whole house. We just look at him and watch him all day because he is so cute funny and adorable. He is so incredibly affectionate and he loves Slade so much it is hillarious. He is totally excited about twice a day: When the kids let him into our room in the morning to wake up slade: He guiltily but determinedly slinks up onto our bed and starts sneaking around until he can't contain himself and starts snugging and licking Slade awake. He has this guilty pleasure over it like he knows Slade is tired but he can't HELP himself. Then when Slade gets home in the afternoon he is soooo happy that he has this ritual of wagging his entire body and dancing around with total unadulterated JOY. Slade has this thing that he does where he spins him around on his back on the wood floor. I have videoed it if I can ever figure out how to load it onto the blog I will be delighted. It is very curious that Slade never knew how much he would love this pup. The two ov them are so bonded. It is like his closest relationship in his life next to me. Maybe purer than mine and his actually. Harry is at least the most into Slade of any other person that has known him before. And I am pretty into Slade to the point of making everyone sick, so that gives you an idea.

1 comment:

morganspice said...

I don't know why this silly thing is the only one that works so far.