Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Broadway may need to wait a few years

This is not Sadie's best performance ever (she doesn't always mess up the words and hit sour notes) but this was pretty funny because of Chase and his friend vamping (is that the word?) in the background. If anyone has any thoughts as to why the audio and the video appear to end up mismatched, let me know. I.E. is it just my player or does it happen for the rest of you too? My computer's webcam is obviously not very good but it is such a dang good idea that I would love to be able to use it more if I could figure it out.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Sadie is obviously a true pro - she is able to perform even with big brother antics in the background (and wacky friends of big brother antics).

We love seeing these clips - thanks for your posts. We miss the Morgans!

Love to all you Oregonians.