Monday, December 7, 2009

Health Update

To be discussed in four weeks: Yes I have a particular health issue for those that have asked where I have been in the past few weeks. But I am waiting four weeks to make an announcement. (Hint.... hint). In terms of other hints, early July should be particularly BIG (hint) for the Morgan family. But luckily, only half as big as I was worried about until I had some key evidence. First one that guesses gets a prize! Turn in next week for a slightly bigger (1/40) hint.

Funny Simpsons Episode: Equalia

I just saw a really funny episode of the Simpsons in which Lisa wrote about her ideal world. It was called "Equalia: Where everyone is equal but we're in charge." I thought that was a hillarious parody of liberalism. There is a really offensive (in my opinion) presumption on the left that one's values should be imposed on other people as if there are some people that know better and others don't.

I have values too, but I believe in converting by the book and not by the sword, which whether by Stalin's army or Nader's government regulation, is the method of one person telling another how to live like there are some with the right to do that and others that can't. If I can't convince someone of my belifs, I am done. Not interested in forcing them.