Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Archer's debut

Here's the number Acher did in his play. Which I won't mention here because I wasn't supposed to tape it so I don't want it Googlable. But I have mentioned it elsewhere. It was only the dress rehearsal. And too bad because they only worked on this for two weeks so he did keep getting better in the performances. But I really see a bit of musical theater stardom here. Chase did well, too, but his confidence level is different and it limited him a bit, and I think he will get there too someday.

Thanks again to those of you who take a peek at the blog and compliment the kids' efforts, even if they are kind of hohum and pedestrian by objective standards. It makes them feel really good that they have people keeping tabs on them and commenting on them once in a while!

Stay tuned for the rest of the clips on these performances. I have a suspicion watching this that some of the other recordings are better, so I will keep trying to find better ones, even though none of them are probably that great. It is amazing to me that they had only practiced this musical one and a half weeks by the time this was taped. Well done, FG theater!


Donna said...

So, we are here in Jim's sister's kitchen in Fargo, N.D. huddled around her laptop watching Archer's debut.

We cheered just as much as we did for Michael Phelps!!!

Archer - you ROCK!

Sandy said...

Thanks for posting the video. I love keeping up with your kids.
Tell Archer and Chase "Bravo!" from their Az fan club!

morganspice said...

Man just looking at this it makes me aware of how nervous he was. He really improved during the performances but I hear some pretty definite quaking in his voice even though he doesn't reveal it in his facial expression. I will have to post some of the rest of it to see if it lessens up in this performance at all.

morganspice said...

Archer is going to be auditioning for Portland Boys' choir September 6th. I will have Chase do it too, but I am actually not that hopeufl there. I think Chase could work up his voice if he WANTED to but he doesn't have nearly the vocal gymnastics naturally that Arch does. That will be the first time that I actively support something that Chase doesn't do with him. I hope it goes ok. So tricky with twins. With differences in age there can always be various reasons and then their faces aren't really in it as much, like what might happen if one of them gets a scholarship and the other doesn't, which I am counting on just don't know which one yet. Slow and steady might win the race. I did plenty well in school and music when I was Archer's age but a lot of good it did me.

Our Famdango said...

Good Job Archer!!!! You are awesome!!!!