Sunday, August 17, 2008

Anaheim, the happiest bulldog on earth!

So most of my lake pics are on Slade's phone, and sadly the video that I took on my laptop of Drake getting seranaded at MG had that weird mismatch of the video and audio, so don't have much yet about the last leg of our journey.

But since most of the hotels, even the ones that call themselves 'pet friendly' like this one in Anaheim charge usurous fees, it was really nice of Donna and GandG Morgan to let us bunk Harry with them. Hope the smell goes away some day. And that also goes for Sarah and Jim Black who bravely withstood all seven of us visiting with the beast in question.

BTW, we went to the Utah Shakespeare festival and saw School for Wives by Moliere, which was OK, and Taming of the Shrew, which was absolutely excellent and I suggest anyone go see it if they are in the area. We ran into Michael Wilcox there, and he was nice and pretended he remembered me, but he actually DID remember Sarah (Black, Slade's sister).

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