Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We put Harry to SLEEP!

Happy April 1st everybody!

Click on this picture to get a full screen, it is totally classic bulldog. He is really sleeping--he doesn't care WHAT is going on!

And his EARS! So precious. But I am a bulldogger. Now a bulldogger blogger.

And I honestly thought that the picture combined with 'Happy April 1st' was enough to get the message across (I didn't really think I was going to 'fool' anyone), but in case anyone else wonders, Harry isn't going anywhere. Even if we have to keep him kenneled every time anyone comes over or give him the old snip snip, he will be worth it to us, he is our baby, and he's awesome.


Donna said...

Seriuosly, Carol?

Or is this an April Fool's joke???

So sad, especially for the Morgan kiddos. . . and you, I know how you have always wanted a bulldog.

I'm so sorry.

morganspice said...

Uh, Donna did you see the picture? And the April 1st comment? I was thinking it was't really a very good joke, but I will have to reconsider, I guess!

jph3 said...

Hehehe - I must admit, the headline made my heart drop as well. Luckily I had just completed an April Fools on one of my colleagues, so I rebounded fairly quickly.

Good one.

Donna said...

OK - you got me - good one!!!

morganspice said...

I guess I will have to say, um...



morganspice said...

BTW, what did you do, Jape?

I honestly suspect that in today's environment of sterile sensitivity April Foolery is on the outs - people don't expect it as much as they used to. Helium put up a trick announcement that this reward contest thing they are running would be ending early, and I couldn't believe all the whining! With the sense of humors people display lately, whoopie cushions are almost definitely going to be totally out, soon. My kids will have wasted a great investment of time and talent.

Amy Jane said...

Good joke...I just have to say that I am, for whatever reason, especially gullible this April Fools season. Chris has already put salt in my toothbrush, and put a stamp on the back side of our keyboard mouse (disabling it from moving the cursor). Hardy har har.

morganspice said...
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Anne said...

How's this for an April Fool's?

In the April Due Date Cub of my online parenting community, one woman put a water balloon in her underwear. Yes, you know what's coming.

When her husband walked into the kitchen, she squeezed her legs together, and POP! Water, water everywhere, husband panics . . . and then of course she immediately revealed the joke.

I must say, that's probably pushing the boundaries a *little* bit, but man, I have to admit, I wish I'd thought of it.

May Harry rest in peace. ;)

morganspice said...

Speaking of pushing, wow April seems pretty soon!

Amy - funny about the toothbrush. My kids would wonder why theirs was salty about April 10th when they next tried it out.