Wednesday, April 2, 2008

All you wanted to know about castrati

...and MUCH more!

Now that I have my religiosity out of the way I will move back to my more usually irreverent topics.

*Note that this is not the most recent article, and I don't even know whether the link will work. So if you are interested in it and can only afford to read this once, please wait until tomorrow. THX

This topic began to interest me after a discussion during choir with the director about the difference between male and female voices and his observation that he had never before me heard a woman who could sing bass.

And I don't exactly sound like a MAN when I do, it is still a nice mellow female voice, I just happen to be able to sing within nearly the full range of human vocal possibility. I can't quite hit the high soprano notes or the low bass notes but I get close.

I think my ability to do it began with the fact that Jape and I used to listen to records and try to mimic them. We can each sing all of the voices to Les Mis, both the men and women. Kind of a fun thing, though neither of us is much of a performer so we don't usually do it for audiences. I should say I don't unless I am in one of my moods. My family knows it's true.

A note about this article, I am fairly sure that the phrase 'accosted by anonymous music lovers wielding knives' ocurrs only once in English or any other language, so here's your chance to find out what it could possibly mean.

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