Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Travel writing

I think I am going to concentrate on travel writing for one of my Helium specialties because not only do I like it about as much as the history stuff it also pays much better because there are tons more online advertisers that will link to your stuff. Some people obviously fake their reviews but I for now am limiting myself to places I have actual personal knowledge of. If the topics seem weird it is because I was writing them in response to a contest, which I placed in to win extra money. Yay!

The Central Park one is kind of boring except for the beginning and middle but I think the cowboy one is pretty dang good if I do say so myself. I don't even see anything like it in magazines usually.

As is usual with me I have revisions to make but it takes them a while to fix them. The typos are what kill me with the ratings on these because the raters are so small minded that they wait till they find one because they don't have anything else to go by. I usually swamp competition in overall quality but if I accidentaly type thin instead of thing they nail me. Also it takes me a while to see my own errors and these contests only run a week. What I should do is forward these to mom to read, because she does actually read my stuff, and she's good at spotting it. How bout it mom?

The good thing is that my lead in paragrahps are one of my strong points and that is how people usually determine which articles to click through to (probably much like other types of publications I would imagine), and so I think I am doing as well on my revenue as higher ranked and experienced writers.

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