Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's

Hey all, JP asked on my last post why I hadn't made any new ones, and I guess I go in waves. I am working on a more disciplined approach to life, but I often have to go where the wind in my sails takes me. I have also been trying to go au naturalle with the back pain thing and tho there are upsides it is pretty tough.

We also just got back from a combination ski trip/chess tourney. They tourney was pretty good, not the boys' best showing yet, but dad and Chase won second place in the parent/kid combo division. Slade lost to the tournament director, dang it. We actually didn't take any pics, such bums, or I would post some.

I am starting to get better at skiing finallly after all these years. It may have something to do with weighing less because I remember that it used to hurt my knees and ankles to make the proper form. I tried a few of the jumps on an obstacle course and caught some wicked air. It was sick, dude. I did wipe out, tho it was the only time I did all day, so also caught some wicked snow up my coat, there was powder everywhere.

In honor of the holiday I will post an article that I wrote for Helium on the history of St. Patrick's day. I just posted it and so I have to submit some revisions that I just noticed it needed, but I think it will wind up a pretty good read. I also posted my St. Patrick's day recipes, which I also need to revise so it will do better in ratings. Enjoy.


Kate said...

Sounds like a fun trip!

jph3 said...

Good to hear from you. Hang in there with the back pain . . . that's gotta suck.

Congrats to both on the chess tourney. I play on yahoo from time to time and get whooped by 6 year-olds on a regular basis.

Interesting article on St. Patty, btw.

Donna said...

Carol - so good to read your blog again! I love your posts - keep up the good work.

And, don't forget to enter the "Name that cookbook" contest on happyvalleykellys!

Seriously, tho, would love your thoughts on the title.

Donna said...

And, speaking of posting things, sometime, Carol, you should do a post on the Mormon blog site (I found it thru JP's blogroll.)

Your lesson on Joseph Smith that I got to hear when I was in Oregon last November was one of the best I've ever heard!!