Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The last year of our poverty?

It has been rough since Intel stock has been down so much, since that is where most of our money is. But the last of our underwater grants may be this year. We have one for 68 (in our dreams) and one for 38 (very doable historically) but after that it is smooth sailing with all of our grants in the teens and twenties. And of course our stock is our stock but they aren't like our options where they aren't worth squat unless they are above a certain amount. And since Intel is very well poised (having taken advantage of the so-called recession in many ways, from selling more of its products abroad and buying up other struggling companies to the current marketing of three computers in one purchase, anyone see that over the holidays?) It may be only up from here. Let's hope so, very sick of being poor.

And the best thing is that it will all be Slade's hard work. He has had very few breaks in life, only hard hard work since he well, ever. No cars, no down payments on our first house from anyone, no nepotistic jobs, just him. Well done, hon. Oh, and also we will be paying off our house this year! Another sign things are turning for the better.

As for baby, still growing well, etc. Will find out the sex in two weeks. So tune in.


Our Famdango said...

how far along are you? do the kids know yet?

morganspice said...

About 14 weeks. I think they know but we don't really talk about it. I am going to wait until after the amnio and the detailed US and I am sure what we will be dealing with.