Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Boys' music

I am in a continual war with my boys including my husband about the fact that my sons obsess about sports like every other boy their age. It is perhaps not surprising but it is to me discouraging. Some of them if they have the right genetic material from me which obviously some of them do will have the chance to be very good singers. Actually I can add the right genes from Slade, too, because he has an interesting sounding voice--kind of tinny like the Phantom of the Opera guy, the famous one, I don't know his name. And even he is not quite tone deaf. Rather close compared to me, but not quite.

Slade argues that sports is good for many things including socialization, etc. But of course he is biased and likes sports quite well himself. He just doesn't have any of the actual components to be good at one, like speed, coordination, strength or tallness. Sounds harsh but it's true. Actually if my kids want to be good at sports they need to get genes from me, which is scary, but I have some relatives including Uncle Bill who was very good at many sports and Sandy and Donna who were pom pom girls. I have a sort of tall father and I bulk up like a linebacker but as a girl I wasn't into sports and didn't really have it fostered too much so I don't know if I cary any of these skills.

So I may be destined to have children who go along with the crowd. Kind of too bad, but I guess I shouldn't really expect otherwise.


IandS said...

The Phantom guy is Michael Crawford.
I've come across this senario when I was teaching dancers. I had some girls that were very talented but would never be ballerinas because of their body type and vice versa. There are VERY few girls that have the genetic make up and the talent but a large percentage that have the desire.
On a note that is totally off topic. Did you have relative that wrote a cook book about 100 things to do with tortillas or am I crazy?

morganspice said...

Yes I do. My sister Donna has written many of those books plus some other ones. She is kind of superwoman. Also a lawyer and a business owner, etc.

morganspice said...

I may have mentioned this before, I swear lately I am like that 50 first dates movie, but your boys might actually benefit from your dance instruction. You know how they always have school musicals, etc. with 10 to one good boy parts and about the reverse ratio of girls to boys audition. Same rationale behind me trying to get the boys to sing. I have a nephew, Jake Kelly, who is taking ballet because he has a lot of opportunities as a boy who is interested in theater.

morganspice said...

One thing about my kids is that if any of them can do the things with my voice that I can they can sound however they want; some of you may have heard me do this when I was in one of my moods but I can sing all the Les Mis parts even the men. I just haven't had any voice training. Which is why I think it would be very interesting if my boys did. I take the twins with me to choir, and that is going fairly well. They also had solos last year in their choirs. I need to get those posted. As I think I mentioned Drake is doing pretty well on his trumpet, he is first chair I think now after only playing it 5 months. He played sax but just didn't end up being that into it.

morganspice said...

Sorry I keep thinking of more things to say on this topic. But I should be fair that Slade gives the children an excellent genetic endowment, having been valedictorian and good at math and many other things that will surely come in handy.

And I think my sister Donna made the observation one time that it is fortunate that they have his personality!

morganspice said...

Actually their personalities are not perfect now that I think about it. Drake can be a pill and is always in a power struggle with me. Chase can be a bit of a raincloud. And Archer is usually sunshine except when he gets really mad and pounds his larger brothers into oblivion. Sadie is usually considered to have a really good personality if you can tollerate a really princessy girl.

Donna said...

I think the Morgans kids are so lucky to have inherited BOTH parents genes. I read an article recently that said intelligence is passed MATERNALLY, so the Morgan kiddos are lucky to have inherited your IQ, Carol.

And Slade is like the male Mary Poppins - "Practically Perfect in Every Way" - so they are doubly blessed!!