Thursday, September 4, 2008

New articles sold

THis is cool, someone was just browsing through some old articles that I put up, not even ones that I entered for sale or anything, and offered me money for them. It is getting like an ebay of verbal wares to cash in on. Cool.

One of them wasn't even 'rated ' well. I have a feeling that's because it had a typo in it and Helium raters don't really know what else to look for than when they find spelling mistakes (paydirt) whereas the actual editors know that first of all have editors they can use change simple things like that, but choosing 'good writing' is more important and harder to just hire someone to spruce up with a dictionary and MSWORD. At first I was amazed that they look down to the fifth article in a title, but someone at Helium told me that they probably found ME first because my articles appealed to them in general and then looked for the titles that they wanted to run this month. She said I might find that they buy from me every time they publish now. So cool.

The other one is about my experience buying Harry, which I initiated for Helium and two other people wrote to.

The next cool thing is that I will still get to keep them up here (non exclusive rights is what they bought) so I will still get my helium revenue (about twenty dollars a year, not bad - once I increase the volume it will be good indeed).

So again, no more "will write for free" sign necessary.

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