Saturday, January 12, 2008

Something about Kelly

Noticing the last few posts in my family blog were about the dog, and because nothing else has really happened around here, I thought I would storm a new topic in case anyone has actually remained faithful that there might be something worthwhile here. Not to suggest that talking about the Kellys is just filler. But I was motivated by something Kate said on her blog recently to also try to observe some good and positive things, rather than using the blog format just to rant. The positive stuff usually doesn't make for the best juicy entertainment, and with me it doesn't stimulate my reactionary hypergraphia, but she is right that it is probably good to at least make some room for it.

The whole Kellys clan have been closely involved with my kids over the years, and I have recently thought about how positive that has been for them. It is quite common for the adults in kids' lives related to them vertically to show this kind of interest (parents and grandparents—-with the whole Darwinian fitness argument being that the reason this is most common is that we are all strongly motivated by genetic self promotion). But it can be unusual and thus extremely influential when other adults or older kids decide to show special interest, really giving them that extra positive hope for how the world is going to treat them that most kids aren’t always lucky enough to have.

I will never forget the summer where we stayed with them in Provo. Sadie was aged one at the time, Drake the oldest was six, and one day when Jim could see I had had it, probably fairly obvious and frequent at the time. So he packed up all four of them, which I couldn’t even always manage very often, and took them all for an outing in Provo Canyon. Pretty amazing for an uncle to do this, and not that it always matters because some people are obviously able to overcome the all-importance of genetic tie, but he isn’t even the one related to them.

Very little time goes by without getting some card or gift in the mail from either Donna or Jim. Jim doesn’t go anywhere or do anything without sending us a postcard, and this winter he outfitted my kids for their next ski trip. He can be insightful about people and we usually benefit from it. One time when my mom was talking about how Slade is always able to say and do the right thing to make people feel good (something rather typical for her to say about him but nothing unusual, most people who know him well observe this), Jim said he thought this quality demonstrated Slade was a ‘healer.’ He wasn't even talking to me, so he wasn't just buttering either of us up, but I was amazed that anyone could teach me anything about my own husband, who I am usually the one to describe best.

Matt and Jake have shaped my boys’ attitude about how they should treat others themselves because they have been so sweetly caretaking of them over the years, leading to them in turn being particularly good with littler kids as they were treated by the older boys in their lives. I regularly get this observation from primary people and parents of their friends, etc. When we flew to Nauvoo together, Jake impressed us on the flight when the stewardess (flight attendant, whatever) asked his name. He extended his hand for a handshake while telling her. I have offered my boys a buck if they would ever try this charming manoeuvre (because in my opinion parents don't do enough to encourage kids' manners these days) but so far, no takers. I could tell anecdotes like this about all of them. Sadie keeps the wedding portrait books of Amy and Kate on her dresser and looks through them frequently, as they have been some of her most important role models.

The hours they have spent at various homes and trips over the years helping me with the kids when they were small and now, too, have been very important to all of us, at least to enable me to put off my nervous breakdown until after they were a bit bigger!


Kate said...

What a nice post. We love your kids to death!

morganspice said...

Hi Kate,

I am sure that observation is the attitude I am talking about!

Unrelated, but I can't find your email right now, and I was going to rec. you and Neil for this online site where people post short writing pieces which I know you both are good at, I don't know if you know about it or do it yet, if you are signed up already great, if not, and you might think about it, I would get points, of course.

No high pressure sales or anything, and it is the people that will end up writing good stuff that I will get credit for so I hope you see it as a compliment and not just TOTALLY selfish...

If so can you shoot me your email at, or if you don't mind you can post it here. I can rec. you and Neil separately so if you have separate emails I think I would need both of them.

Hope that's not too crass. It is the kind of thing where someone might as well get credit, I figure.

In addition to the political type stuff you write about which there is a large audience for you two have traveled a lot and the site rewards particularly well for tavelogue type things, because that generates more relevant ad revenue than the ideological stuff (unfortunately for me).

Donna (or anyone else for that matter) you might like to sign up for this too because they have recipe sections and it would be a good way to do short versions of your book stuff to test it out.

morganspice said...

Also Stephanie you were someone I thought of for this site, because I read on the board there that people who post practical computer tech type stuff (how to rid your computer of spyware, etc) do well because people read that stuff (more than they do things I write hee hee) and also it is linked with more ad revenue. Amy and Chris you might think about that too. I might just send an email to all of you, so if you get it you will know what I am talking about.

jph3 said...

Great post. I couldn't agree more about the Kelly fam. and their great examples to our kiddies too.

Donna said...

Wow! So glad I decided to read the Morgan blog today - Carol - you just made my day - no, my whole YEAR!!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to state something so positive!!!

The truth is, we have gained so much more by association with the Morgans than we have ever given away. That is the magic of service to others, you always gain more than you give!

We just love ALL the Morgans - you guys are THE reason we miss Oregon. Your kids have been special to all of us since they were just little wrinkly things with fuzzy heads. They truly give so much love to us, that we feel blessed to know you and rub shoulders with you.

Relationships are always best when they are two-way, when the giving and taking is an ebb and flow. And, the Morgan-Kelly relationship has been a wonderful example of that. They also take years to develop - not just an overnight Wham! but a drop-by-drop filling of the well.

We cherish ouor relationship with you all, and my kids frequently exclaim "I love the Morgans!" or "When are the Morgans coming?" etc.

We also love Morganisms, which we quote regularly.

"I look like a million bucks!"
-- Chase Morgan

"It's not Christmas, it's the Christmas SEASON!"
-- Archer Morgan

"Amy, you're my best friend!"
-- Sadie Morgan

And, some of our favorite family memories include the Morgans: s'mores and bonfires on the beach; Disneyland and Disneyworld with Archer having Amy cover his eyes for the sacry parts and Chase getting free ice cream when he got lost for 30 seconds; Uncle Jim's lunatic adventures in Provo canyon and on horseback; - these are just a token few!

Here's to an eternity of good memories to come!!

morganspice said...

I am glad I could make your year, in about eleven months I hope that is still the case!

Too bad I am back to posting about dog pee, goes to show if anyone is really interested in my blog they COULD possibly be out of luck, but they should always scan to see if there are older posts that might be better than the new ones, and especially easier to read after I have had a chance to edit. I can put some stuff up that I am quite sure there would be little interest in at least within the family, and sometimes it takes me a while to prune down the wild ones.

Oh that reminds me, I got my first 'stranger' post, and I am so excited. I have been thinking maybe I should put some 'deep links'--posts on related boards, to get some traffic. I don't want to be overwhelmed with it though. A constructinve comment or too especially from people who don't agree is what I am after, and that's pretty much exactly what it was (on my natural ingredients post). Even though it needs a bunch of work, if not to be cut into like three or four separate points.

morganspice said...

I will try to think of a few more 'Morganisms' (they probably should get a different name considering there are a LOT of Morgans that could be reading this).


'You're makin' me cry, Matt!' was a good one, Sadie said that the summer we stayed with you which would have made her only like 16 months old. Man she talked early.