Saturday, December 8, 2007

Progress on the house--for your consideration

The above (granted that I have figured out how to do it) is a digi altered pic of our house by Slade.
He wants to make some form or fashion of a tower on the right side of the house. One practical problem is that on the lower story he wants to make a pantry, and a pantry doesn't really have big picture windows.
His solution is visible on the pic above, it is to make small windows along the top.
My opinion: This looks weird.
I think it needs one average looking window from a curb appeal perspective. What do you all think?


Jacob J said...

The digital alteration could use some work, but I don't think the small windows look bad.

JandS Morgan said...

I agree with you, I think it needs a big window. Inside I think the kitchen would look better with a big window too. I'm a fan of big windows, that is one thing I think they are doing a good job with on new houses.

Anonymous said...

I like big windows too, but the tower is fun...I know I had one on the tree house we designed as kids...

morganspice said...

Darn, one vote for and vote against, split along gender lines.

Sarah, I think it will be a tower no matter what, it is just whehter to put a big window in the center or do what slade did, which I think looks somehow mod-ish.

Stephanie, the problem is that it won't be part of the kitchen it will be a pantry... Kind of hohum because it WILL be kind of a waste in space inside and only done for the curb apeal outside, which is why he thought of this.

morganspice said...

Oh, slade wants me to say (in response to Jacob's post that this is NOT the most recent mock-up of his alteration). Heaven forbid I use something that makes him feel digitally unworthy!

RBent said...

Unfortunately, I need to see mock-ups of all possible designs, as well as duplicates showing different daylight hours, as well as different seasons to really give a definite opinion. A digital representation with giant eyeballs on the house would be nice too, then maybe we'd know how IT feels.

JandS Morgan said...

R, you need help :)

Carol, didn't know it was going to be a pantry there, in which case it might be a tad weird.

morganspice said...

So would it be weird to have normal windows or would it be weird to have a pantry at all? Slade wants a pantry and for the size and shape it makes sense. I argue that you can have a normal window in the center and then just arrange shelving differently or right over it for that matter, I just think it is important not to detract from curb appeal for the sake of what is inside the pantry, a small room with the door usually closed anyway that doesn't really matter...

So I guess the real issue is the look from the outside and whether any large percentage of responders think the small windows look strange. I think it kinds of looks like a prison or something.