Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why so quiet?

Main poster's been a bit under the weather here. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the kind of thing that happens when there is any disruption. The dog's not being housetrained was a pretty big thing for me and as much as I love housecleaning after about three hours extra of it every day while the rest of the house looked like a wreck gradrually disrupted my ever-so-important sleep schedule. I have been alternating between sleeping for three days, not sleeping for four, etc... the usual.

Nothing that we aren't used to, just wanted to explain why everything seems a bit dark.


Donna said...

I have a great idea:

Take a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth in honor of Predisents' Day!!!

morganspice said...

Hey Donna, wish we could be there, travel seems to make it so much worse though, we may have to be bloggatives (a potential coinage?) for a while.

morganspice said...

Also, as an update, I am obviously back online though housekeeping is offline, the dog is doing much better. Our dentist who is in our ward suggested that we do some things that seem so contrary, my dog growing up had the total run of the house and the worst he ever did was get into the garbage if it was left for him for a LONG TIME.

But he and mom with Charlie both say go Crate. And now that I think of it, Bo hid under the bed a lot--maybe that was his version of having his own space and it helped him behave.