Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chase on steroids at 10

It's just Prednisone, actually, and everything sounds scary with the list of side effects you can have and that they have to report. But it is only for five days, to clear the runny nose he has had for the last few years. I finally went back to his doc and said listen, it is not ok for a kid to have a runny nose his whole life. The biggest concern to me was that he was starting to pronounce things like he had a cold and I wondered if it would stick, since this age is a critical period for that stuff.

It seems to be working like a dream, and that is great, because I was seriously feeling bad for him. No kid should have to be stuffy all the time. It is good that some problems can actually be solved. Wish some of mine could. In fact it has been my pessimism that caused me to not force things earlier.


Lara said...

Have you tried nasal steroids? Flonase or Rhinocort? A daily saline sinus rinse (do a google search on NeilMed) and Flonase solved this decade long problem for me without the oral steroid side effects. As awful as it sounds, the key is lots of saline up your nose every day. An ENT doctor finally clued me in on this.

Makes me sound like a zealot posting this on your blog. Enough to take me out of lurking mode, so maybe I am a sinus rinse zealot (Melissa told me about your blog). Send an email lara at sundanceburtons dot com.

bulldogdevotee said...
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morganspice said...

Great to hear from you!

But it is actually great all around because we tried the less agressive method first, but he just kept being congested. The doc's feeling was to grind it to a halt and then see what happens to maintain it/make sure it doesn't come back.

Did you ever look into the extention for the Settlers' Game? They make it fun once people start figuring out how to win (like tic tac toe).

I actually expect Deseret Book to come out with some Nephite/Lamanite version.

JandS Morgan said...

I had to take nasal steroids a couple years ago for a persistent cough. I'd had the cough for several months and it was quite a relief to finally have it gone.

JandS Morgan said...

Oops, I forgot, I meant oral steroids, as in an inhaler.

morganspice said...

Well chase's 5 day course of prednisone is over and he didn't have any side effects except chapped lips, and it totally whacked the infection.

Now we will do something oral to deal with any potential alergies to keep it from coming back.

Just in time for the pour thing to get his retainer. Chase has to have mega orthodontic intervention. A brutal retainer, mini-braces, another set of retainers and spacers, and then another set of braces! Yikes.

With all that Drake is the most expensive. Over 10G out of pocket. Hope Slade's bonus will cover some of it.